
Teoria Política ( workshop sobre anarquismo na Manchester Metropolitan University, 1 a 3 de Set.)

Integrado num vasto conjunto de workshops sobre teoria política a realizar na Universidade Metropolitana de Manchester entre os dias 1 e 3 de Setembro está previsto um workshop sobre anarquismo sob a organização do prof. Alex Prichard ( fundador da Anarchist Studies Network) onde serão apresentadas e discutidas as seguintes comunicações:

Alex Prichard: ‘Proudhon: The Lost Prophet of Paris’
Joan Rapp: ‘Neo-anarchism and the state in the People’s Republic of China’
Matt Wilson: ‘Prefiguration and Anarchist Theory’
Ruth Kinna: ‘Title TBC’
Alexandre Christoyannopoulos: ‘Tolstoy’s Approach to Christianity’

Workshops in Political Theory 2010
Seventh Annual Conference September 1st - 3rd 2010

Following another successful sixth annual Workshops held in Manchester, September 2009, at which a hundred and fifty papers were given by participants from over twenty countries, we are pleased to announce the details of this year's conference. These workshops reflect the wide diversity of interests and idioms within the discipline and give delegates plenty of time to discuss their papers in a relaxed setting as well as to attend other panels. There will be a conference web-site (www.hlss.mmu.ac.uk/politicaltheory ) where papers and conference details will be posted.

The workshops and convenors are as follows:

The Legitimacy of International Law
(Dean Machin, University of Warwick, D.J.Machin@warwick.ac.uk)

Democratic Public Reason In Practice
(Enrico Biale, UCL and University of Louvain, enrico.biale@uclouvain.be and
Valeria Ottonelli, University of Genoa, vottonel@nous.unige.it.

Green Political theory
(Corey MacIver, Nuffield College, Oxford, corey.maciver@nuffield.ox.a c.uk)

Radical Democracy
(Clare Woodford, University of Southampton, cmw202@soton.ac.uk)

(Mark Cowling, University of Teesside, C.M.Cowling@tees.ac.uk)

Toleration and Respect: Concepts, Justifications and Applications
(Emanuela Ceva, University of Pavia, emanuela.ceva@unipv.it ,
Sune Laegaard, University of Copenhagen, laegaard@hum.ku.dk and
Federico Zuolo, University of Pavia, federico.zuolo@unipv.it

Global Justice and Collective Responsibility
(Avia Pasternak, University College, London, avia.pasternak@ucl.ac.uk)

British Idealism
(David Boucher, University of Cardiff, BoucherDE@cardiff.ac.uk)

(Alex Prichard University of Bristol, alprich@gmail.com)

Bacon and Hobbes
(Noel Boulting, nobossneb@clara.co.uk and
Brendan O'Byrne, Trinity College, Dublin, )

Just War Theory: Contemporary Failings and Challenges
(Peter Sutch, University of Cardiff, ilto:SutchP@cardiff.ac.uk">SutchP@cardiff.ac.uk and Graham Long, University of Newcastle, g.m.long@ncl.ac.uk)

The Idea of Friendship in Political Theory
(Derek Edyvane, University of Leeds, D.J.Edyvane@leeds.ac.uk and
Kerri Woods, University of York, kaw507@york.ac.uk.

The Political Thought of Antonio Gramsci: New Developments in Theory and Practice
(Mark Mcnally, University of Leeds, M.A.Mcnally@leeds.ac.uk)

Feminist Theory
(Becca Lawrence, University of Durham, 0becca.lawrence0@googlemail.com )

Political Theory and Animal Rights
(Rob Garner, University of Leicester, rwg2@leicester.ac.uk)

Fictional Accounts of Domination and Resistance
(Ian Fraser, Loughborough University, I.Fraser@lboro.ac.uk and
Larry Wilde, Nottingham Trent University, )

'Dirty Hands'
(Michael Neu, University of Sheffield, M.Neu@sheffield.ac.uk)
Classical and Modern Elite Theory
(Körösényi András, Eotvos University of Budapest, korosen@t-online.hu and
John Higley, University of Texas, jhigley@austin.utexas.edu)

The Historian and the Shaping of Political Ideology
(Aude Attuel-Hallade, University of Paris III-Sorbonne-NouvelleUniversity, audeattuel@yahoo.fr)

The organisers are:
Professor Joe Femia (School of Politics and Communication Studies, University of Liverpool,
femia@liv.ac.uk) and
Professor Jules Townshend (Department of Politics and Philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University,
j.townshend@mmu.ac.uk )