
Petição para acusar a Administração Bush por crimes de guerra

Petition To Prosecute U.S. War Criminals:


We the undersigned, condemn the Bush Administration for it's illegal War on Iraq and the so-called War on Terror. We the undersigned, believe that the Bush Administration has no defense against violations of the War Crimes Act nor the Geneva Conventions, while administering the War on Iraq and Afghanistan, or the so-called War on Terror.

We the undersigned, do not recognize the Bush Administration's authority to conduct any illegal War, here or abroad, and refuse to support the War Criminals of the Bush Administration.

We the undersigned, demand that the Bush Administration must declare an end to the illegal occupation of Iraq forthwith, and demand an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. Troops, it's Mercenaries, it's Contractors and War Profiteers from the country of Iraq, immediately. Furthermore, we the undersigned, demand the immediate closure of all U.S. Military bases in Iraq, and that the U.S. Government shall be responsible for the toxic cleanup of all base closures, and that the stolen land shall be given back to the Iraqi people, forthwith.

We the undersigned, support and demand the immediate prosecution of the Bush Administration for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, which are occurring in the War on Iraq and Afghanistan, in accordance with the Geneva Convention/s and Section 2441 [the War Crimes Act]. This includes, but is not limited to the illegal occupation of Iraq, the looting of Iraqi resources, the illegal dentention of Iraqi Citizens, the bombing and mass murder of Iraqi Citizens, torture, plus the outrages upon personal dignity and inhuman and degrading treatment of prisoners.

In addition, we the undersigned, demand that all War Profiteers of Iraq, including the Bush/Cheney families, arms manufacturers, contractors and mercenaries shall forthwith divest themselves of all assets and profits made by the illegal War on Iraq, and shall immediately return all assets and funds back to the U.S. Treasury.

Furthermore, we the undersigned, condemn the Bush Administration for violating human rights laws by abducting, interrogating, and detaining foreign nationals in secret overseas prisons, and demand that the U.S. Government's use of "extraordinary renditions", must end immediately.

In addition, we believe that the Bush Administration has no legal authority to exempt anyone, including alleged Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters or prisoners from the provisons of the Geneva Conventions.
We the undersigned, demand that Congress must immediately stop funding all overt and covert activies that are related to the War on Iraq and Afghanistan, and the so-called War on Terror.

In Addition: We the undersigned, demand that Congress stop funding all secret detention centers being run by the U.S. Federal Government, the C.I.A., or any of it's so-called mercenary/contractors, and that all secret prisons shall be shut down immediately.
We believe that the people of the world, Iraq and Afghanistan are due full reparations from the U.S. Government, for current, past and future damages that have been caused by the Bush Administration's so-called illegal War on Terror.

Click below to sign War Crimes Petition...

Para assinar esta petição sobre os crimes de guerra cometidos pela Administração Bush, clicar no seguinte link:


Prisões Políticas Portuguesas (exposição de fotografia de Pedro Medeiros)

Encontra-se patente entre 29 de Outubro de 2005 e 29 de Janeiro de 2006 no Centro Português de Fotografia, situado na antiga Cadeia da Relação no Campo Mártires da Pátria, Porto, uma exposição de fotografias dePedro Medeiros (1969- ) sob o título «Voz do Silêncio: Prisões Políticas Portuguesas».
A Cadeia do Aljube, o Forte de Peniche, a Colónia Penal de Cabo Verde (conhecida mais prosaicamente pelo Tarrafal), e os Redutos Norte e Sul do Forte de Caxias são alguns dos locais que são convocados pelo autor nesta mostra.
Do desdobrável sobre a exposição respigámos o seguinte excerto, retirado do texto de apresentado assinado por Maria Manuela Cruzeiro, do Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril:

«Prender os opositores é ao mesmo tempo um acto de prepotência e uma clamorosa confissão de fraqueza. Por isso o confronto entre a vítima e o carrasco é o encontro fatal entre a fraqueza dos fortes e a força dos fracos»