
O Movimento Slow ou o Elogio da Lentidão

Um movimento global está a desafiar o culto da velocidade!
Por que estamos sempre com pressa? Qual a solução para a falta de tempo?
É possível desacelerar e recuperar a qualidade de vida?
A pressa faz-nos passar ao de leve pelas coisas, sem as aprofundamente, sem realmente as entender.A cultura dominante diz-nos que mais rápido é melhor. Andamos tão apressados que tudo e todos os que nos atrasem se transformam no inimigo.
Enquanto não nos dermos conta de que o nosso ritmo é o ritmo da natureza, continuaremos como o Coelho de “Alice no País da Maravilhas”: de relógio na mão, atrasados, atrasados, atrasados. Sem tempo para tudo o que temos de fazer, sem tempo pessoal, num frenesim de actividades.
Carl Honoré, um jornalista canadiano, escreveu um livro, agora traduzido para português, sobre o movimento slow, já presente em vários países, e que desafia o culto da velocidade, mostrando que mais devagar é muitas vezes melhor.
O movimento Slow não defende fazer tudo a passo de caracol; significa viver melhor no frenético mundo moderno, encontrando um equilíbrio entre o rápido e o lento

Alguns websites ligados ao movimento slow :


A group of young, dynamic urbanites who push the Slow creed in London with serious intent and a sense of humour. A number of public events are in the works, but in the meantime check out their splendid web site. It has tips on slowing down, links to like-minded groups, articles from the press, letters from Londoners, a commuter blogger and a dictionary of slow terms. There’s even an agony aunt called slowcoach. If only every city had a group like this. Now there’s an idea….

One of the easiest and most pleasurable ways to slow down is with food, and this organization (80,000 members in 100 countries) is leading the charge. I visit the site to see what’s going on in the world of gastronomic slowness.
Moving the Slow philosophy from the dinner table to the town hall. An offshoot of Slow Food that aims to take some of the excess speed and stress out of urban life. More than 30 Italian cities have been certified as "Slow," and the movement has spread into other countries, including Britain, Germany and Norway. One of my favourite Slow Cities is Orvieto in Umbria.
New Urbanism

A movement dedicated to building North American neighborhoods that encourage walking and community spirit. My favourite New Urbanist development is Kentlands, a suburb near Gaithursburg MA in the US. If I ever return to North American suburbia (which is a pretty big ‘if’), this is the kind of neighbourhood I’d want to live in.
Candle Night

During the night of the summer solstice (June 21), people across Japan turn off the electricity for two hours. The idea is to do slow things by candle-light - read, eat together, meditate, whatever reconnets you with your inner tortoise.
Do something special--Read a book with your child by candlelight. Enjoy a quiet dinner with a special person.
This night can mean many things for many people.A time to save energy, to think about peace, to think about people in distant lands who share your planet.
Pulling the plug open the window to a new world.Awakens as to human freedom and diversity.
It is a process, finding a larger possibility of the human civilization.
By turning off lights for only two hours, we will be all loosely connected.
Let's make a "wave of darkness" spread over the globe together.
On the evening of Summer solstice, June 21st, for two hours from eight to ten p.m. Turn off the lights, take it slow.
Journée de la Lenteur

Montréal switches into tortoise mode on June 21, with loads of activities to help the locals slow down.
The Society for the Deceleration of Time

An Austrian-based group that promotes living, working and playing at the right pace. It has members all over central Europe. What I like best about them is their sense of humour. Sometimes they run speed-traps for pedestrians in city centres. Anyone caught walking too fast is pulled over and asked to explain their haste. The punishment is walking 50 metres while steering a tortoise marionette along the pavement. Most people love being stopped, and some even return later in the day to walk the tortoise a second time.

You've heard of Speed Dating. Well, now the backlash has begun. Slow Dating has hit the ground running (slowly) in Montréal, Canada.
Slow Life

Japan has a reputation as the home of speed, but the Japanese are coming round to the idea of slowness in a big way. This site is a good starting point for exploring the spread of the Slow movement in Japan.
Diamond Light Tantra

We all laughed when Sting confessed to marathon Tantric sex sessions with his wife, but now couples of all ages are flocking to workshops to learn the art of slower love-making. Tantra is one way to decelerate in bed. I attended a Diamond Light workshop in London and, once I got over my inclination to giggle, found it quite moving.

While researching my book, I met Alberto Vitale, a jet-setting web-designer from Bra, the headquarter city of Slow Food. He figured that what works at the dinner table might just work in the bedroom. So he became an apostle for erotic deceleration. This is his Italian-language site.
Long Now Foundation

One consequence of our hurry-up culture is a collective inability to see beyond the short term. To make the case for slowness and for thinking long-term, this group, which has many members from the IT industry, builds large clocks that measure time over 10,000 years. I was bowled over by the one at the Science Museum in London.

One of the most engaging characters I met on my journey through the Slow movement was Uwe Kliemt. A Hamburg-based pianist, he is a leading light in Tempo Giusto, a loosely-knit group of musicians who argue that we play a lot of classical music too fast. I still listen to his slower renditions of Mozart and Beethoven. This is his site, parts of which are in English.
The Sink

Wendel Messer, a driving instructor with a wry sense of humour, has written a novel satirizing Canadian driving culture – the mindless hurry, the rage. This is his site.
International Meditation Centres

Learning how to still the mind is a big part of slowing down. I find meditation immensely relaxing. It also clears the head and gets the creative juices flowing during the workday. There are six IMC branches around the world, each offering retreats where anyone can learn Buddhist meditation. I attended the one in Wiltshire, England.
Not all meditation comes with religious baggage. Over five million people worldwide use TM, including a couple of my friends, who swear by it.
People all over the world are setting up personal websites to decry rushaholism and sing the praises of slowness. This is one of the more amusing ones. It also has a chat forum. It is the brainchild of an Englishman who lives in the U.S.
So many children nowadays are hurried and over-scheduled. Some of my son’s classmates have diaries that would make a CEO go weak at the knees. This is one of many organizations that are helping parents help their children slow down and have more free time.
Slow Now

Even outside the traditional Western world, people are waking up to the folly of relentless speed and busyness. This Warsaw-based group is bursting with ideas for how to promote the Slow movement in Poland. It also has an English-language chat forum.
Part of slowing down is rethinking the way we make and interact with things, and how that affects our relationship with other people and the environment. This is a New York-based network of creative thinkers who apply the Slow philosophy to all aspects of design.
ho says business can’t be Slow? Removing unnecessary hurry from the workplace can cut down on mistakes, boost creative thinking and raise productivity. This Toronto-based group promotes the idea that slowness has a role to play in the business world.
An Italian organization that promotes the joys of living better by living more slowly.
In October 2004, Canberra held its first Slow Festival. For a whole week, the Australian city played host to lunches, debates, concerts, walks, workshops and art exhibitions dedicated to exploring the benefits of deceleration. The plan is to make the festival an annual event. This is the official site.
In a speech at The Royal Academy of Arts in London, Robert Hughes, the Time magazine critic, called for art that delivers more than just a quick thrill.
Woody Tasch, a leading ethical investor, applies the Slow philosophy to business and the financial markets.
A group dedicated to helping Australians rediscover their inner tortoise. Runs workshops on the art of slowing down in every walk of life, from parenting to working.
A site all about escaping the rat race in Australia.
Researchers are beginning to see the merits of taking their time in the hunt for data and trends.
Longplayer is a piece of music that will run for 1,000 years. It started to play on January 1st, 2000 in London. You can read about and listen to the music on this site.
A fascinating search for ways to bring the Slow ethos into the corporate boardroom.
Ohad Fishof has turned walking very slowly into performance art. To celebrate the fifth anniversary of Longplayer (see other link), he crossed London Bridge at a glacial pace – it took him nine hours, 43 minutes and 25 seconds. I chatted with him on his lunch break. He told me that he plans to carry out Slow Walks in other cities around the world.
As a leading proponent of downshifting, Tracey Smith writes, broadcasts and raises chickens. She is the driving force behind the annual National Downshifting Weeks in Britain and the United States.
Laura Williams is a young English artist with a big idea. She plans to build the world’s first tidal-powered Moon Clock. Her aim is to make us rethink our relationship with time and the natural world.
An international festival featuring one-minute films shot in slow-motion. The aim is to create meditative art that encourages viewers stop and smell the roses and experience time in a less hurried way.
The name says it all. Based in British Columbia, this party calls on everyone to work less, consume less and live more. It even runs candidates in local elections.
Slowing down and simplifying your life are often two sides of the same coin. This site is a gateway to the world of "voluntary simplicity."
This is a nifty invention - a watch with variable speeds. The original purpose was to offer a gentle transition between time zones for international travelers. But the inventor tells me it has other uses in daily life: "You can use the watch to speed up time during a dull party or slow it down to prolong a pleasurable experience."
An international foundation that works to improve the lot of under-privileged children, especially in developing countries. Its community projects make a real difference on the ground. I have never forgotten the months I spent working at a Terre Des Hommes centre for street children in Fortaleza, Brazil. We helped the kids create a shoe-shine cooperative.

Festivais/Festas que dá gosto e vontade em participar…

«Minha aldeia é todo o mundo.Todo o mundo me pertence. Aqui me encontro, e me confundo com gente de todo o mundo, que a todo o mundo pertence.»
António Gedeão

Sem prejudicar a nossa resolução de suspender a actualização do blog nos próximos tempos – e como não há regra sem excepção – inserimos alguns novos posts que consideramos oportunos ( por respeito aos amigos, companheiros e leitores que fazem questão de nos ler e acompanhar). É o caso deste que remete para um conjunto de festas e festivais de carácter alternativo que se realizam nesta altura do ano.

Na verdade, na avalanche massificadora de espectáculos e festivais para todos os gostos e feitios durante este mês de Agosto com óbvios efeitos turísitco-comerciais, ainda há iniciativas que dá gosto e em que vale a pena participar e assistir, para quem decida sair do seu local habitual de residência e sondar outros horizontes e ambientes.
Sem ser exaustivo indicamos aqui umas pistas para algumas Festivais/festas de carácter alternativo ao longo do mês de Agosto de 2006:

*** Festival Altitudes (em Campo Benfeito, Gosende, na Serra do Montemuro), organizado pelo Teatro Montemuro – 12 a 20 Agosto

*** Festa das artes em Uzeste (15 a 20 de Agosto), Occitânia (sul de França, perto de Bordéus)

* Festival du bout su monde (Festival do fim do mundo), na Bretanha – 11 – 13 de Agosto

* Festival de Sziget, numa ilha a meio do Danúbio, perto de Budapeste, Hungria - 9 a 16 agosto

* Boom festival ( 3 a 9 de Agosto) – em Idanha-a-Nova ( perto da cidade de Castelo Branco)
O Boom Festival é um festival de música trance realizado em Portugal durante o Verão. O festival tem evoluido, ao longo das últimas edições, para um espectáculo da áudio e visual com várias workshops, inédito no país e mesmo a nível internacional.

** Intercéltico de Sendim ( em Miranda do Douro, Trás-os-Montes)
(de 3 a 7 de Agosto)

* Festival de Teatro Clássico de Mérida ( 6 a 15 de Agosto)

**Andanças - Festival internacional de danças populares ( 31 de Julho a 6 de Agosto), em Carvalhais, S.Pedro do Sul

**Festas Populares de Madrid – festas populares durantes o mês de Agosto na região metropolitana de Madrid.

Festival Altitudes
(em Campo Benfeito, Gosende, na Serra do Montemuro),
organizado pelo Teatro Montemuro – 12 a 20 Agosto

12 Sábado

15h Atelier de Lanternas, Helen Ainsworth
21h Caminhada de Lanternas Abertura Oficial Com a Música de Abelhões
22h Trechos Trovas e Trogloditas, Teatro Montemuro

13 Domingo0
9h30 Encontro de Pintura e Escultura
15h Atelier de Didgeridoo, Rodrigo Viterbo
17h Toques do Caramulo
21h30 Kansera, Teatro Mínimo
23h Tucanas

14 Segunda
15h Atelier de Didgeridoo, Rodrigo Viterbo
21h As Desventuras de Isabella, Casa da Comédia

15 Terça
15h Atelier de Percussão para Crianças, Kula
21h30 A viúva Astuta, Teatro Ao Largo
23h Lufa Lufa “Foledad”

16 Quarta15h Atelier de Percussão para Crianças, Kula
21h30 Clean Clown, Peripécia Teatro

17 Quinta
15h Atelier Cor da Madeira, Quiné
21h30 Babine o Parvo, Teatro Art´Imagem

18 Sexta
15h Atelier Cor da Madeira, Quiné
21h30 Gente Feliz com Lágrimas, Teatro O Bando
23h Orquestrinha do Terro

r19 Sábado
10h Atelier Cor da Madeira, Quiné
21h30 Don Quixote, Chapitô

20 Domingo1
5h Atelier Cor da Madeira, Quiné
17h Espectáculo Cor da Madeira resultante do Atelier
21h A Gargalhada de Yorick, Teatro Instável
23h Uxu Kalhus


Travessa Principal nº1 Campo Benfeito 3600-371 Gosende
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254 689 352 / 597

Festa das artes em Uzeste (15 a 20 de Agosto)
Festival convivial de artes, artistas e cidadãos em-jazz, e uma manifestação poiélítica numa pequena aldeia occitana (na actual Gironde francesa), a meio caminho entre Bordéus e Agen.

Participantes: La Compagnie Lubat de Gasconha, Marc Perrone, Edouard Glissant, Georges Didi Huberman, Benat Achiary,
Ursus Minor, Stokley Williams, Tony Hymas, Jef Lee Johnson, François Corneloup, Monique Chemillier-Gendreau, La Campagnie des Musiques à Ouïr, Pascal Convert, Michel Portal, Francis Marmande, Louis Sclavis, Régine Chopinot...

Info aqui

Festival du bout su monde (Festival do fim do mundo), na Bretanha – 11 – 13 de Agosto
Realiza-se num local chamado landaouedc ( a meio caminho entre Brest e Quimper, na Bretanha: a 60 Km de Brest e a 60Km de Quimper)


Vendredi 11 Août / A partir de 18 h
Robert Plant & the Strange Sensation - Grande-Bretagne

Ismaël Lô - Sénégal

Zita Swoon - Belgique
Goran Bregovic & l'Orchestre des Mariages & des Enterrements - Serbie

David Walters - Caraïbe / France

Gayane - Bretagne

Samedi 12 Août / A partir de 14 h 30

Steel Pulse - Grande-Bretagne

Souad Massi - Algérie

Paco Ibañez - Pays Basque / Espagne

Alan Stivell - Bretagne

Cheikh Lô - Sénégal

Danyel Waro - La Réunion

Amparanoïa - Espagne

Anis - France

Lila Downs - Mexique

Dupain - Marseille

Bonga - Angola

Lura - Cap Vert

Dimanche 13 Août / A partir de 14 h 30

Hubert Félix Thiefaine - France

Johnny Clegg - Afrique du Sud

Benabar - France

Rossy - Madagascar

Dub Incorporation - France

Mahala Raï Banda - Roumanie

Lo'Jo - France

Da Silva - France

Egschilglen - Mongolie

Jehro - France

Norkst - Bretagne

Enzo Avitabile & Bottari - Naples / Italie

Boom festival ( 3 a 9 de Agosto) – em Idanha-a-Nova ( perto da cidade de Castelo Branco)


Boom Festival is a global art, music and culture gathering held every two years in Portugal’s sun-drenched countryside in a stunning outdoor location on the shore of the Lake Idanha-a-Nova.
Bringing together the latest in psychedelic audio and visuals, art installations and workshops this week-long event is a harmonic convergence of people, energy, information and philosophies from around planet Earth and beyond.
Synchronized multi-dimensionally with the full moon of August the next incarnation of the Boom is taking a bio-dynamic approach by incorporating a variety of sustainable techniques and Earth-based forms throughout its infrastructure.
Reflecting a harmonic balance of the organic and the cyber-technologic, Boom 06 maps the metaphysical framework in accordance with Peace, Love, Unity and Respect.
The tone is set for a transformative experience in celebration of the perpetual cycle creation and re-creation - from the Beginning of the Whole to the Eschaton.
Boom “city” is located at an unspoilt ranch on the shores of the amazing lake of Idanha-a-Nova. Boom “city” stretches for about 3km of the lake’s shore. So you can learn, dance, enjoy and swim simultaneously.
Set amongst the beautiful surroundings of the central north of Portugal, Idanha-a-nova village is just a few kilometres away from the lake.
A magic place filled with energy ready to become the active centre of the psy-community and ready to support the Boom “city”.
This magnificent place is characterized by its biggest asset: billions of fresh crystal clear water. This mountain top lake serves as a mirror to the sky’s full moon and also as a guarantee for the survival of the local agriculture and delicate nature. Granted the honour of being part of Natura 2000. Surrounded by endless fields and cork trees.
Historically this is the region with the oldest Portuguese culture. From the Boom location you can see in the horizon the oldest village in Portugal, Monsanto just 15 km away.
Idanha-a-Nova (a village with about 3000 residents) is 50 km from the Spanish border and 35 km from the city of Castelo Branco in Portugal. The Boom location is (by car) 288 km from the capital of Portugal, Lisbon.

Intercéltico de Sendim ( em Miranda do Douro, Trás-os-Montes)
(de 3 a 7 de Agosto)



Sexta, 4 de Agosto
Célio Pires (Miranda, Portugal)
Hexacorde (Castela-Leão)
Lunasa (Irlanda)

Sábado, 5 de Agosto
Mielotxin (Navarra)
Berroguetto (Galiza)
Hevia (Astúrias)
DRD (Astúrias


Os irlandeses Lunasa são um dos regressos mais aguardados em Portugal.Em Sendim, no Planalto Mirandês, realiza-se pela sétima vez o Festival Intercéltico de Sendim, de 3 a 6 de Agosto.Para a edição de 2006, a programação surge com uma novidade; desta vez, o festival começa em Espanha, na localidade de Fermoselle, fazendo uma homenagem às relações transfronteiriças que sempre marcam a cultura dos povos da Raia - de que Miranda do Douro é um exemplo. Desde tempos que já se perdem nas memórias dos mais velhos, que as gentes de ambas as localidades se encontram regularmente, partilhando vivências e convívios. E sempre se estabeleceram entre ambas as comunidades as mais diversas relações económicas, culturais e sociais, potenciadas pela proximidade física (ambas se encontram em pleno coração das Arribas do Douro, no Parque Natural do Douro Internacional). No cartaz deste ano o prato forte são os grupos musicais provenientes de Espanha e da Irlanda: Tamborileiros de Fermoselle (Sayago); DRD (Astúrias); Célio Pires (Miranda, Portugal); Hexacorde (Castela-Leão); Lunasa (Irlanda); Mielotxin (Navarra); Berroguetto (Galiza) e Hevia (Astúrias).

Lunasa (Irlanda)Sexta, 4 de Agosto - Parque das Eiras
A partir de 2002, ano da edição do álbum Merry Sisters of Fate (gravado e editado pela Green Linnet, este disco foi premiado pela Association for Independent Music, sediado nos USA, como melhor álbum na categoria de “British/Celtic Music”), os Lúnasa passaram a editar com satisfatória regularidade os seus trabalhos discográficos, seguindo-se, em 2003, Redwood, que foi concebido em Outubro de 2001, durante a estadia do grupo num rancho californiano, pertencente a Matt Greenhill. A ideia era simples: documentar o impacto das actuações ao vivo na música do grupo. Este trabalho ficaria marcado por uma série de problemas com a editora norte-americana, a Green Linnet, tendo surgido com três edições: pela Green Linnet, por uma editora japonesa e pelo próprio grupo (na Compass Records), sendo esta ultima a versão que continua disponível.Entretanto, em 2004, seria publicado o extraordinário álbum The Kinnity Sessions, gravado no Kinnitty Castle (County Offaly), em Dezembro de 2003, a o vivo (para um publico convidado), mas tendo sido apagado para a edição final tudo quanto indiciasse tratar-se de um álbum gravado ao vivo. Trata-se de um trabalho que continua a fazer jus ao nome escolhido – que designa, também, em gaélico, o nome do mês de Agosto. Lugh, heróico guerreiro, poderoso mágico e deus solar, era também um excelente músico que, na harpa, executava com divinal mestria, as três melodias fundamentais da música irlandesa: melodias para chorar, melodias para adormecer e melodias para alegrar. Pelo que não surpreendem nem pecam por exageradas a palavras de apresentação insertas neste The Kinnitty Sessions: Preparem-se para experimentar a radical reinvenção da música tradicional irlandesa na sua forma mais pura – nada de overdubs, de truques de estúdio. Gravado na presença de um auditório de convidados no interior das supostamente assombradas paredes do Kinnitty Castle, na Irlanda. The Kinnitty Sessions documenta um grupo no auge dos seus poderes. Com a imaculada fidelidade de um álbum de estúdio e a tempestuosa intensidade do ambiente de um concerto, o virtuosismo instrumental, arranjos intrincados e a energia rítmica que definem Lúnasa, que foram elevados a um nível de urgência e de ousadia. Trata-se do seu mais dinâmico e imediato álbum: quem ainda não ouviu The Kinnitty Sessions ainda não ouviu, verdadeiramente, os Lúnasa!Entretanto, em Dezembro de 2004, Donog Hennessy saiu para trabalhar num projecto com Pauline Scanlon (ex-Sharon Shannon Band), sendo substituído por Paul Meehan, um guitarrista e tocador de banjo, natural de Middletown (County Armagh), que integrou a Karan Casey Band (criada pela cantora após a sua saída dos Solas). Paul Meehan participou na gravação dos dois primeiros álbuns do grupo North Cregg, tendo ainda colaborado com muitos outros artistas da folk. Finalmente (que não em definitivo!...), em Fevereiro de 2006 foi publicado o sexto álbum do grupo, intitulado Sé, um trabalho gravado em Amberville (Cullybacky, Irlanda do Norte) e nos Marguerite Studios (Dublin), com produção de Trevor Hutchinson e colaborações de Tim Edey (guitarra), Conor Brady, Pat Fitzgerald (teclados) e Karl Ronan (trombone).

Festivais e Encontros no Reino Unido:

*The Big Green Gathering ( 2 a 6 de Agosto), na Inglaterra
"The Big Green Gathering is for people who care about health, the environment, sustainability, our children's future and life in general. It is a celebration of our natural world and our place within it."

* Earth First! Summer Gathering ( 16 a 20 de Agosto) no País de Gales

For anyone interested in direct action for people and planet. This is not a festival but a chance to meet, discuss and plan.
Food provided by Anarchist Teapot - 3 vegan meals for £4 a day. £15 to pay for running costs. There will be talks, stalls, workshops, kids space, teens space, camping areas. No dogs. If you would like to help with the gathering, give workshops, etc contact soon.

Para mais info:
phone 0845 223 5254

*Westcountry Storytelling Festival ( 27 a 29 de Agosto) – festival de contadores de histórias (Once upon a time in Devon... discover) the lost art of storytelling,

Para mais informações, consultar:

www.londonfreelist.com (o roteiro de Londres)
www.festivals.co.uk ( festivais no Reino Unido)
www.thefestivalzone.com ( festivais em toda a Europa)
www.frootsmag.com/content/festivals ( festivais de música étnica e folk)
www.campscene-directory.co.uk ( festas e festivais hippies)
www.protest.net ( manifs e acções em todo o mundo)