
The Hive, comunidade de permacultura sedeada na aldeia do Rossaio ( Colmeal, em Góis) recebe visitantes no seu dia aberto ( 4 de Setembro)

O próximo 4 de Setembro vai ser o dia aberto na Comunidade de Permacultura The Hive, sedeada na aldeia do Rossaio, perto da aldeia do Colmeal, concelho de Góis, na região do Centro de Portugal

Todos os interessados em conhecer e visitar a comunidade e saber alguma coisa mais sobre os seus princípios e funcionamento serão bem-vindos


O que é a Comunidade The Hive

The Hive is an egalitarian collective, based upon consensus decision-making, and recognising the need for, and beauty of, individual and collective responsibility for action in agriculture, arts, design and politics

The Hive is based upon permaculture principles of:

* The recognition that all that we do affects the environment
* Working with nature rather than against nature
* The problem is the solution; transforming challenges into opportunities
* Taking small steps to create big changes

Objectivos da Comunidade The Hive

* To get first hand experience of permaculture design and organic growing
* To get into the countryside
* To make contact with other people in the permaculture movement
* To form links and foster understanding between city and rural dwellers
* To facilitate inter-cultural understanding between people of different nationalities
* To form links with social justice and environmental networks and campaigns