
Lição magistral de um professor de economia que nos demonstra como a política de austeridade esconde um programa em como são os pobres a pagar a crise

A receita da austeridade é-nos mostrada como inevitável e do senso comum.

Mark Blyth, professor de Economia, mostra-nos porque é que não é bem assim... Atrás da política de austeridade esconde-se uma agenda sinistra em que os pobres pagam a crise desencadeada pelos especuladores e pelo sistema financeiro

Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies is a leading center for research and teaching on the most important problems of our time, especially issues of inequality and insecurity in an increasingly complex world. Understanding the conditions and consequences of the flows of knowledge, people, wealth and weapons across global contexts, the Watson Institute works to improve policies and the contributions of publics and media to making a better world.

Our core faculty of anthropologists, economists, political scientists, sociologists, and other specialists works across academic disciplines with Brown faculty associates and an ever-changing cohort of visiting scholars and practitioners from around the world. The Institute collaborates with key organizations such as the United Nations, national governments, non-governmental organizations, and international enterprises to seek practicable solutions to today's global problems