
Enciclopédia Internacional das Revoluções e do Protesto ( Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present )

Acaba de ser editada em 8 volumes pela prestigiada editora Blackwell a Enciclopédia Internacional das Revoluções e do Protesto (The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest) que pretende ser a mais completa base de dados sobre a história das revoluções e dos protestos dos últimos 500 anos, protagonizados pelos mais variados movimentos de massas.
A Enciclopédia de 8 grossos volumes contém textos desenvolvidos sobre movimentos sociais, biografias, ideias e ideologias, assim como os acontecimentos que marcaram o protesto social ao longo da Era Moderna.


Índice das Entradas

Abalone Alliance
Abdurahman, Abdullah (1872–1940)
Aboriginal/left struggle for land rights
Abraham Lincoln Brigade
Abu-Jamal, Mumia (b. 1954)
Addams, Jane (1860–1935)
Adorno, Theodor W. (1903–1969)
Afghanistan, 1978 Revolution and Islamic Civil War
Afghanistan, resistance to 19th-century British invasion
African American resistance, Jim Crow era
African American resistance, Reconstruction era
African Blood Brotherhood
Agbekoya Peasant Uprising and Rebellion, 1968–1969
Aggett, Neil (1953–1982)
Agüeybaná I (d. 1510) and Agüeybaná II (d. 1511)
Albania, socialism
Albanian nationalism
Albizu Campos, Pedro (1891–1965)
Alcatraz Uprising and the American Indian Movement
Algerian Islamic Salvation Front
Algerian National Revolution, 1954–1962
Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana
Alinsky, Saul (1909–1972) and the Industrial Areas Foundation
Allende Gossens, Salvador (1908–1973)
al-Sanusi, Muhammad ibn Ali (ca. 1787–1859)
Alves, Margarida Maria (1943–1983)
Amana Inspirationist Utopians
Ambedkar, B. R. (1891–1956)
American Civil War (1861–1864)
American Civil War and slavery
American Civil War draft riots
American left and Howard Zinn (b. 1922)
American Revolution of 1776
American slave rebellions
Amo, Anton Wilhelm (1703–1759) and Afro-Germans
Anabaptist movement
Anarchism, Argentina
Anarchism, Australia
Anarchism, Britain
Anarchism, Canada
Anarchism, Chile
Anarchism, China
Anarchism and culture, 1840–1939
Anarchism and education
Anarchism, Finland
Anarchism, France
Anarchism and gender
Anarchism, Greece
Anarchism, Hungary
Anarchism, Italy
Anarchism, Japan
Anarchism, Korea
Anarchism, Mexico
Anarchism, New Zealand
Anarchism, Poland
Anarchism, Puerto Rico
Anarchism, Russia
Anarchism and sabotage
Anarchism, Spain
Anarchism and syndicalism, Southern Africa
Anarchism in the United States to 1945
Anarchism in the United States, 1946–present
Andresote and the Revolt against the Guipuzcoana (1731–1733)
Angolan national liberation, 1961–1974
Anthony, Susan B. (1820–1906)
Anti-apartheid movement, South Africa
Anti-Corn Law agitation, Britain, 19th century
Anti-fascist People’s Front
Anti-Franco worker struggles, 1939–1975
Anti-Japanese boycotts, early 20th century
Anti-monarchy protests, Portugal
Anti-Napoleonic Wars of Liberation (1813–1815)
Anti-nuclear campaign, Britain
Anti-nuclear movement, Japan
Anti-nuclear protest movements
Anti-nuclear protests, Marshall Islands
Anti-Racist Action (ARA)
Anti-slavery movement, Britain
Anti-slavery movement, British, and the black response to colonization
Anti-slavery movement, British, and the founding of Sierra Leone
Anti-slavery movement, United States, 1700–1870
Anti-Vietnam War movement, Britain
Anti-Vietnam War movement, United States
Anti-war activism, Yugoslavia, 1990s
Anti-war movement, France, 20th century
Anti-war movement, Iraq
April Revolution, Nepal, 2006
Aptheker, Herbert (1915–2003)
Arab left and socialist movements, 1861–1930
Aracaré (d. 1542)
Arafat, Yasser (1929–2004), Fatah, and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Arbenz, Jacobo Guzmán (1913–1971)
Arch, Joseph (1826–1919)
Arendt, Hannah (1906–1975)
Argentina, armed struggle and guerilla organizations, 1960s–1970s
Argentina, general strike (Semana Trágica), 1919
Argentina, general strike, 1975
Argentina, grassroots workers’ movement: Villa Constitución, 1975
Argentina, Grito de Alcorta Peasant Rebellion, 1912
Argentina, human rights movement
Argentina, indigenous popular protests
Argentina, labor strikes of 1890 and 1902
Argentina, labor unions and protests of the unemployed, 1990s
Argentina, piquetero movement
Argentina, Semana Roja, 1909
Argentina, social and political protest, 2001–2007
Argentina, socialist and communist workers’ movement
Argentina, University Reform, 1918
Argentina, worker actions, October 17, 1945
Argentina, worker strikes in Patagonia, 1920–1921
Aristide, Jean-Bertrand (b. 1953)
Armenia, mass protest and popular mobilization, 1980s to present
Armenian resistance, 1915
Artigas, Gervasio José (1764–1850)
Arundel, Lady Blanche (1583–1649)
Assembly of the Poor
Asturias Uprising, October 1934
Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal (1881–1938)
Atlantic port seaman resistance, American Revolutionary era
ATTAC (Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens)
Aung San (1915–1947)
Australia, anti-war movement
Australia, new social movements
Australian aboriginal protests
Australian labor movement
Australian left
Austria, 20th-century protests
Ayim, May (1960–1996)
Babel, Isaac (1894–1941)
Babeuf, François-Noël (1760–1797) and the Conspiracy of Equals
Bacha-i Sakkao's movement
Bacon’s Rebellion
Bain, J. T. (1860–1919)
Baker, Ella Josephine (1903-1986)
Bakunin, Mikhail Alexandrovich (1814–1876)
Balkan socialist confederation, 1910–1948
Baltic protests in the 20th century
Banana Plantation Worker Rebellion, 1928
Bangladesh, struggle for liberation, 1971
Baraka, Imanu Amiri (b. 1934)
Barayi, Elijah (1930–1994)
Barbados and the Windward Islands, protest and revolt
Barcelona General Strike, 1919
Barzani, Mulla Mustafa al- (1903–1979)
Bauer, Otto (1881–1938)
Beauvoir, Simone de (1908–1986)
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827)
Begin, Menachem (1913–1992) and the Irgun
Belgium, 1959 coal strike
Belgium, Strike of the Century, 1960–1961
Belgium, 20th-century political conflict
Belize, general strikes, 1952
Belize, national independence movement
Ben Bella, Ahmad (b. 1918)
Benezet, Anthony (1713–1784)
Bengal, popular uprisings and movements in the colonial era
Ben-Gurion, David (1866-1973) and the Haganah
Benjamin, Walter (1892–1940)
Berkeley Free Speech Movement
Berkman, Alexander (1870–1936)
Berlinguer, Enrico (1922–1984)
Bernstein, Eduard (1850–1932)
Betances, Ramón Emeterio (1827–1898)
Bethune, Henry Norman (1890–1939)
Bezerra, Gregório (1900–1983)
Biennio Rosso (1919–1920)
Biermann, Wolf (b. 1936)
Bin Laden, Osama (b. 1957) and al-Qaeda
Bishop, Maurice (1944–1983)
Black nationalism, 19th and 20th centuries
Black Panthers
Black September
Blake, William (1757–1827)
Blanc, Louis (1811–1882)
Blanqui, Louis Auguste (1805–1881)
Bloch, Marc (1886–1944)
Bloody Sunday Demonstration, 1887
Boal, Augusto (b. 1931)
Bogotazo and La Violencia
Böhm, Hans (also Hans Behem) (1458?–1476)
Bolívar, Simón (1783–1830)
Bolivarianism, Venezuela
Bolivia, protest and repression, 1964–2000
Bolivia, struggle for independence, 1809–1825
Bolivia, War of the Pacific to the National Revolution, 1879–1952
Bolivian neoliberalism, social mobilization, and revolution from below, 2003 and 2005
Bolotnikov’s Rebellion, 1606–1607
Bonaparte, Louis-Napoleon (1808–1873)
Bonaparte, Napoleon (1769–1821)
Bonifacio, Andres (1863–1897)
Bonus Army Unemployed Movement, 1932
Bordiga, Amadeo (1889–1970) and the Italian Communist Party
Borge, Tomás (b. 1936)
Bose, Subhas Chandra (1897–1945)
Boston Tea Party
Botswana, protest and nationalism
Bourses du Travail
Brand, Adolf (1874–1945)
Brandreth, Jeremiah (1790–1817) and the Pentrich Rising
Brazil, guerilla movements, 20th century
Brazil, labor struggles
Brazil, peasant movements and liberation theology
Brazil, rebellions from independence to the republic (1700s–1889)
Brazil, workers and the left: Partido dos Trabalhadores and Central Única dos Trabalhadores
Bread and Puppet Theater
Bread riots, Britain, 1795
Bread and Roses Strike
Brecht, Bertolt (1898–1956)
Brissot, Jacques Pierre (1754–1793)
Bristol Riots, 1831
Britain, anti-war movement, 1775–1783
Britain, peasant uprisings, 16th century
Britain, post-World War I army mutinies and revolutionary threats
Britain, post-World War II political protest
Britain, Renaissance-era conflict
Britain, strikes, 1905–1926
Britain, trade union movement
Britain, women’s suffrage campaign
British miners' strike, 1984–1985
Brixton Riots, 1981
Brown, H. Rap (b. 1943)
Brown, John (1800–1859)
Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich (1888–1938)
Bulavin’s Rebellion, 1707–1708
Bulgaria, anti-Soviet movements
Bulgaria, independence movement, 1830–1835
Bulgaria, protests against economic hardships, 1990s
Bulgaria, 20th-century leftist and workers' movements
Bulgaria, World War II resistance and the rise of communism
Buonarroti, Philippe (1761–1837)
Burdett, Sir Francis (1770–1844)
Burkina Faso, Revolution, 1983
Burma, democracy movement
Burma, national movement against British colonial rule
Bussa (d. 1816) and the Barbados slave insurrection
Cabanagem of Grão-Pará, Brazil, 1835–1840
Cabañas, Lucio (1938–1974)
Cabral, Amilcar (1924–1973)
Calvin, John (1509–1564)
Cambodia, anti-colonial protests, 1863–1945
Cambodia, communist protests and revolution
Cambodia, rebellion against France
Camejo, Pedro or Negro Primero (1790–1821)
Cameroon, popular anti-colonial protest
Camus, Albert (1913–1960)
Canada, indigenous resistance
Canada, labor protests
Canada, law and public protest: history
Canada, Rebellion of 1837–1838
Cannon, James P. (1890–1974) and American Trotskyism
Canudos, religion and rebellion in 19th-century Brazil
Caonabo (d. 1496)
Cape Verde, independence struggle
Caracazo, 1989
Cardenal, Ernesto (b. 1925)
Cárdenas, Lázaro (1895–1970)
Caribbean islands, protests against IMF
Caribbean protest music
Carmichael, Stokely/Kwame Turé (1941–1998)
Carney, James Francis "Guadalupe" (1925–1983?)
Carson, Rachel (1907–1964)
Casa del Obrero Mundial
Casement, Roger (1864–1916)
Caste war of Yucatan (Guerra de castas en Yucatán)
Castoriadis, Cornelius (1922–1997)
Castro, Fidel (b. 1926)
Catalan protests against centralism
Catholic emancipation
Catholic Worker movement
Cedar Revolution, Lebanon
Central America, music and resistance
Central Asian protest movements
Césaire, Aimé (1913–2008)
Chakravartty, Renu (1917–1994)
Charismatic leadership and revolution
Charter 77
Charusathira, Prapas (1912–1997)
Chávez, César (1927–1993) and the United Farm Workers
Chávez, Hugo (b. 1954)
Chávez, Hugo and the Bolivarian Revolution, 1998–present
Chen Duxiu (1879–1942)
Chernov, Victor (1873–1952)
Chernyshevsky, Nikolai G. (1828–1889)
Chile and the peaceful road to socialism
Chile, people’s power
Chile, popular resistance against Pinochet
Chile, protests and military coup, 1973
Chile, social and political struggles, 1850–1970
Chilembwe, John (1871–1915)
Chiluba, Frederick (b. 1943)
Chimurenga armed struggles
China, Maoism and popular power, 1949–1969
China, May 4th movement
China, peasant revolts in the empire
China, protest and revolution, 1800–1911
China, student protests, 20th century
Chinese Communist Revolution, 1925–1949
Chinese Nationalist Revolution, 1911
Chipko movement
Chirinos, José Leonardo (d. 1796)
Chissano, Juaquim (b. 1939)
Chomsky, Noam (b. 1928)
Civil rights movement, United States, 1960–1965
Civil rights, United States, Black Power and backlash, 1965–1978
Civil rights, United States: overview
Clarkson, Thomas (1760–1846)
Class identity and protest
Class, poverty, and revolution
Class struggle
Clayoquot Sound
Cobbett, William (1763–1835)
Cocaleros peasant uprising
Cochabamba Water Wars
Cohn-Bendit, Daniel (b. 1945)
Collins, Michael (1890–1922)
Colombia, Afro-Colombian movements and anti-racist protests
Colombia, anti-war movements, 1990–2008
Colombia, armed insurgency, peasant self-defense, and radical popular movements, 1960s–1970s
Colombia, armed insurgency, peasant self-defense, and radical popular movements, 1970s–1990s
Colombia, indigenous mobilization
Colombia, labor insurrection and the Socialist Revolutionary Party, 1920s–1930s
Colombia, Thousand Days’ War, 1899–1902
Colombia, unions, strikes, and anti-neoliberal opposition, 1990–2005
Color revolutions
Columbia University civil rights protests
Combination Laws and revolutionary trade unionism
Commoner, Barry (b. 1917)
Communist Manifesto
Communist Party of Australia
Communist Party, France
Communist Party, Germany
Communist Party NZ and the New Zealand revolutionary left
Communist Party of South Africa, 1921–1950
Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA)
Comte, Auguste (1798–1857)
Comunero movement
Concordia University student protests
Condorcet, Marquis de (1743–1794)
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT)
Confédération Générale du Travail and Syndicaliste Révolutionnaire
Congo armed insurgency, Mobutu decamps
Congo, Brazzaville protest and revolt
Congo Crisis, 1960–1965
Congo, Kinshasa protest and revolt
Congo, protest and uprisings, 1998–2002
Connolly, James (1868–1916)
Cooperative Commonwealth
Cop Watch Los Angeles
Cordobazo and Rosariazo Uprising, 1969
CORE (Congress of Racial Equality)
Cornelissen, Christianus Gerardus (1864–1942)
Correa, Rafael (b. 1963)
Corsican independence movement
COSATU (Congress of South African Trade Unions)
Costa, Afonso Augusta da (1871–1937)
Costa Rican Civil War and Uprising, 1948
Côte d’Ivoire, post-independence protest
Côte d’Ivoire, pre-independence protest and liberation
Counterrevolution, France, 1789–1830
Courbet, Gustave (1819–1877)
Coxey’s Army and the unemployed movement
Crazy Horse (1849–1877), Sitting Bull (1831–1890), and Native American resistance at the Battle of Little Bighorn
Cristero uprising, Mexico, 1928
Critical Mass
Critical theory
Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658)
Cuauhtémoc (1502–1525)
Cuba, anti-racist movement and the Partido Independiente de Color
Cuba, general strikes under Batista regime, 1952–1958
Cuba, struggle for independence from Spain, 1868–1898
Cuba, transition to socialism and government
Cuban post-revolutionary protests
Cuban Revolution, 1953–1959
Cuban revolutionary government
Cuffe, Paul (1759–1817)
Curaçao, 1969 uprising
Cyprus, protest and revolt
Czechoslovakia, resistance to Soviet political and economic rule
Dahomey Women’s Army
Dalit liberation struggles
Dange, S. A. (1899–1991)
Danton, Georges Jacques (1759–1794)
Daquilema, Fernando (d. 1872) and the 1871 Uprising, Ecuador
Davis, Angela (b. 1944)
Davitt, Michael (1846–1906)
Day, Dorothy (1897–1980)
De Silva, Colvin Reginald (1907–1989)
De Valera, Eamon (1882–1975)
Debord, Guy (1931–1994) and the Spectacle
Debs, Eugene (1855–1926)
Decembrists to the rise of Russian Marxism
Deleuze, Gilles (1925–1995), Guattari, Félix (1930–1992), and the global justice movement
Demerara Slave Rebellion, 1823
Democracy Wall movement, 1979
Deng Xiaoping (1904–1997)
Denmark, insurrection and revolt
Despard, Colonel Edward Marcus (1751–1803) and the Despard Conspiracy
Dessalines, Jean-Jacques (1758–1806)
Deutscher, Isaac (1907–1967)
Di Vittorio, Giuseppe (1892–1957)
Díaz Soto y Gama, Antonio (1880–1967)
Dictatorship of the proletariat
Diderot, Denis (1713–1784)
Dimitrov, Georgi (1882–1949)
Directory, France, 1795–1799
Diriangén (1496 or 1497–1530s)
Disobbedienti/Tute Bianche
Dix, Dorothea (1802–1887)
Djilas, Milovan (1911–1995)
Dominican Republic, protest and resistance to US imperialism, 1916–1962
Dominican Republic, protests, 1844–1915
Dominican Republic, resistance to military and US invasion, 1963–1965
Douglass, Frederick (1817–1895)
Dreyfus Affair
Du Bois, W. E. B. (1868–1963)
Dubček, Alexander (1921–1992)
Dublin General Strike, 1913
Dunayevskaya, Raya (1910–1987)
Dunbar, Andrew (1879–1964)
Durrani empire, popular protests, 1747–1823
Durruti, Buenaventura (1896–1936)
Dutch Caribbean, protest and revolution, 1815–2000
Dutch Revolt, 1568–1648
Dutschke, Rudi (1940–1979)
Earth First!
East Anglian Wheat County Riots, 1816
East Timor, anti-colonial struggle, 1974 to independence
Easter Rising and the Irish Civil War
Eastman, Max (1883–1969)
Ecological protest movements
Ecuador, indigenous and popular struggles
Ecuador, left and popular movements, 1940s to present
Ecuador, popular and indigenous uprisings under the Correa government
Ecuador, protest and revolution
Edict of Nantes
Egypt and Arab socialism
Egypt, Peasant Rebellion of 1824
Egypt, Revolution of 1952
Eighteenth Brumaire
Eisenstein, Sergei (1898–1948)
Ejército de Liberación Nacional, Colombia
El Argentinazo, December 19 and 20, 2001
Ellis, Daniel Edward "Daan" (1904–1963)
Emmet, Robert (1778–1803) and Emmet’s Rebellion
Enclosure movement, protests against
Engels, Friedrich (1820–1895)
English Reformation
English Revolution, 17th century
English Revolution, radical sects
English Revolution, women and
Enlightenment, France, 18th century
Enriquillo and the Taíno revolt (1519–1533)
Environmental protest, United States, 19th century
EPL Maoist guerilla movement
EPR (Ejército Popular Revolucionario)
Equiano, Olaudah (1745–1797)
Escuela Moderna movement (The Modern School)
Estates General, France
ETA Liberation Front (Euzkadi ta Askatasuna) and Basque nationalism
Ethiopia, Revolution of 1974
Ethnic and nationalist revolts in the Hapsburg Empire, 1500–1848
Eureka Stockade
European revolutions of 1848
European Union summit protests, Gothenburg, 2001
Evers, Medgar (1925–1963)
Ezeiza Protest and Massacre, 1973
Fahd, Yusuf Salman Yusuf (1901–1949)
Faiz Ahmed Faiz (1911–1984)
Fanelli, Giuseppe (1826–1877)
Fanon, Frantz (1925–1961)
Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN)
FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces and Popular Liberation Army)
Farm Labor Organizing Committee
Fascism, protest and revolution
Father Rapp (1757–1847) and Harmony
Fawkes, Guy (1570–1606) and the Gunpowder Plot
Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI)
Federation of Salvadoran Workers (FENASTRAS)
Fell, Margaret (1614–1702)
Feminist performance
Fenian movement
Feuchtwanger, Lion (1884–1958)
Fifth Monarchist women
Fiji, parliamentary insurrection
Finland, civil war and revolution, 1914–1918
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward (1763–1798)
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley (1890–1964)
Fo, Dario (b. 1926)
Fonseca, Carlos (1936–1976)
Food Not Bombs, United States
Food riots
Food sovereignty and protest
Foreign intervention and revolution
Foster, William Z. (1881–1961)
Foucault, Michel (1926–1984)
Fourier, Charles François Marie (1772–1837) and the Phalanx Utopians
Fox, Charles James (1749–1806)
Fox, George (1624–1691)
FPMR (Frente Patrioco Manuel Rodriguez)
France, 1830 Revolution
France, June Days, 1848
France, post-World War II labor protests
France, resistance to Nazism
France, Revolution of 1848
Francophone Africa, protest and independence
Frankfurt School (Jewish émigrés)
Freedom Rides
Freedom Summer
Freire, Paulo (1921–1997)
FRELIMO (Frente de Libertação de Moçambique)
French Caribbean in the Age of Revolution
French Guiana, ecological movements against the Guiana Space Center in Kourou
French Guiana, indigenous rebellions
French Guiana, political movements against departmentalization
French Polynesia, protest movements
French Revolution, 1789–1794
French Revolution, historians’ interpretations
French Revolution, radical factions and organizations
French Revolution, women and
French revolutionary theater
Friedan, Betty (1921–2006)
Friedländer, Benedikt (1866–1908)
Fries's Rebellion
Fromm, Erich (1900–1980)
Fronde, France, 1648–1653
Fuller, Margaret (1810–1850)
G8 protests, Genoa, 2001
G8 protests, Gleneagles, 2005
G8 protests, Heiligendamm, June 2007
Gabriel's Rebellion
Gaitán, Jorge Eliécer (1898–1948), UNIR, and revolutionary populism in Colombia
Galleani, Luigi (1861–1931)
Gambetta, Léon (1838–1882)
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (1869–1948)
Garibaldi, Giuseppe (1807–1882)
Garrison, William Lloyd (1805–1879)
Garvey, Marcus (1887–1940) and Garveyism
German Democratic Republic protests, 1945–1989
German nationalism and workers’ movements, 19th century
German Peasant Rebellion, 1525
German Reformation
German Revolution, 1918–1923
Germany, Green movement
Germany, Red Army Faction (Baader-Meinhof Group)
Germany, resistance to Nazism
Germany, socialism and nationalism
Ghana, nationalism and socialist transition
Giustizia e Libertà, Partito d’Azione
Glasgow general strike, 1820
Glencoe Massacre, 1692
Global Day of Action Against Capitalism, June 18 (J18), 1999
Global Day of Action Against the IMF and World Bank, Prague, September 26 (S26), 2000
Global justice movement and resistance
Glorious Revolution, Britain, 1688
Godwin, William (1756–1836)
Goldman, Emma (1869–1940)
Gomas, Johnny (1901–1979)
Gonne, Maud (1866–1953)
Gorbachev, Mikhail (b. 1931)
Gordon "No Popery" Riots, Britain, 1780
Gori, Pietro (1865–1911)
Gorz, André (1923–2007)
Gouges, Olympe de (1745–1793)
Gramsci, Antonio (1891–1937)
Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo
Grass, Günter (b. 1927)
Grassroots resistance to corporate globalization
Greece, anti-dictatorship protests
Greece, partisan resistance
Greece, socialism, communism, and the left, 1850–1974
Greece, socialism, communism, and the left, 1974–2008
Greek nationalism
Green bans movement, Australia
Greencorn Rebellion, Oklahoma, 1917
Grenadian Revolution, 1979–1983
Grimké, Angelina (1805–1879) and Sarah (1792–1873)
Grove Vallejo, Marmaduke (1879–1954)
Guadeloupe, labor protest
Guaicaipuro (ca. 1530–1568)
Guatemala, Democratic Spring, 1944–1954
Guatemala, popular rebellion and civil war
Guatemala, worker struggles and the labor movement, 1960s–1990s
Guerilla theater
Guerrilla Girls
Guevara, Ernesto "Che" (1928–1967)
Guillén, Abraham (1913–1993)
Guinea-Bissau, nationalist movement
Gunawardena, Don Philip Rupasinghe (1901–1972)
Gustav Rebellions
Gutiérrez, Gustavo (b. 1928)
Guyana, protests and revolts
Haiti, democratic uprising, 1980s–1991
Haiti, foreign-led insurgency, 2004
Haiti, protest and rebellion, 19th century
Haiti, protest and rebellion, 20th century
Haiti, resistance to US occupation
Haiti, revolutionary revolts, 1790s
Haiti, revolutionary struggles
Haiti, Saint-Domingue Revolution, 1789–1804, aftermath
Haiti, Saint-Domingue and revolutionary France
Haitian Revolution and independence, 1801–1804
Hamas: origins and development
Hampton, Fred (1948–1969)
Hani, Chris (1942–1993)
Hardy, Thomas (1752–1832)
Harlem Renaissance
Harris, Charles (1896–1939)
Hasan al-Banna (1906–1949) and the Muslim Brotherhood
Hatta Shūzō (1886–1934)
Hatuey (ca. 1400s–1512)
Hauptmann, Gerhart (1862–1946)
Havel, Václav (b. 1936)
Hawaii, resistance to US invasion and occupation
Haya de la Torre, Victor Raúl (1895–1979)
Haymarket tragedy
Haywood, Big Bill (1869–1928)
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770–1831)
Herzen, Alexander Ivanovich (1812–1870)
Hezbollah: organization and uprisings
Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel (1753–1811)
HIJOS movement, Children of the Disappeared
Hilferding, Rudolf (1877–1941)
Hindu nationalism, Hindutva, and women
Hirschfeld, Magnus (1868–1935)
Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945) and German Nazism
Hitler, assassination plot of July 20, 1944
Hlinka, Andrej (1864–1938) and the Slovak People’s Party
Hô Chi Minh (Nguyen Tat Thanh) (1890–1969)
Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679)
Holbach, Baron d' (1723–1789)
Hollywood Ten
Honduran General Strike of 1954
Hong Kong democracy protests
Horne Tooke, John (1736–1812)
Hôtel de Ville, Paris
House, Callie (1861–1928)
Hoy, Senna (1882–1914)
Huerta, Dolores (b. 1930)
Hugo, Victor (1802–1885)
Huk Rebellion, 1946–1954
Hungary, anti-communist protests, 1945–1989
Hungary, protests, 1815–1920
Hungary, Revolution of 1848
Hungary, Revolution of 1956
Hungary, women radicals, 1848–1849
Hunt, Henry "Orator" (1773–1835)
Hutchinson, Anne (1591–1643)
Hyde, Evan Anthony (b. 1947)
Ibrahim, Mirza (ca. 1906–2000)
Ibrahim, Saad Eddin (b. 1938)
Icaria Utopian Community
Ife–Modakeke conflict
Immigrant protests, United States, 2000s
Immigrant and social conflict, France
Imperialism and capitalist development
Imperialism, historical evolution
Imperialism, modernization to globalization
India, armed struggle in the independence movement
India, civil disobedience movement and demand for independence
India, Great Rebellion of 1857 (the Sepoy Revolt)
India, Hindutva and fascist mobilizations, 1989–2002
India, nationalism, extremist
India, non-violent non-cooperation movement, 1918–1929
India, post-World War II upsurge
Indian national liberation
Indigo Rebellion
Indochina, World War II and liberation in
Indonesia, colonial protests, 16th century to 1900
Indonesian pro-democracy protests
Indonesian protests against Suharto dictatorship
Indonesian revolution and counterrevolution
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Australia
Indymedia global justice campaign, 2000s
International Congress of Women at The Hague
International socialism: mass politics
International Women’s Day
International Workers of the World, Marine Transport Workers
Intifada I and Intifada II
Iqbal, Muhammad (1877–1938)
Iran, Kurdish national autonomy movement
Iran, the Mossadegh era: democratic socialists and the US-backed coup
Iran, political and cultural protests, 1844–1914
Iranian Revolution, 1979
Iraq, anti-British nationalists
Iraq, protest, rebellion, and revolution: overview
Iraq, Revolt of 1920
Iraq, Revolution of 1958
Iraqi resistance, 1991–2007
Ireland, Age of Revolutions, 1775–1803
Ireland, Great Rebellion, 1798
Ireland, the Troubles
Irish nationalism
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Irish Republican Army resistance campaign
Irish revolts, 1400–1790
Ishikawa Sanshirō (1876–1956)
Islamic political currents
Israeli peace movement
Israeli settlers movement
Italian Communist Party
Italian labor movement
Italian Risorgimento
Italian Socialist Party
Italy, anti-racist movement
Italy, anti-war movement, 1980–2005
Italy, Centri Sociali
Italy, from the anti-fascist resistance to the new left (1945–1960)
Italy, from the new left to the great repression (1962–1981)
Italy, new syndicalism, cobas, and precarious workers' organization
Italy, operaism and post-operaism
Italy, peasant movements, 19th–20th centuries
Italy, 17th-century revolts in the south
Itō Noe (1895–1923)
Jabotinsky, Vladimir (Ze’ev) (1880–1940) and revisionist Zionism
Jackson, Jesse (b. 1941)
Jacobite risings, Britain, 1715 and 1745
Jagan, Cheddi (1918–1997)
Jalib, Habib (1928–1993)
Jamaica, independence movement, 1950–present
Jamaica, 1938 labor riots
Jamaica, peasant uprisings, 19th century
Jamaica, rebellion and resistance, 1760–1834
James, C. L. R. (1901–1989)
Japan, community labor union movement
Japan, labor protest, 1945–present
Japan, pacifist movement, 1945–present
Japan, post-World War II protest movements
Japan, protest and revolt, 1800–1945
Japan, resistance to construction of Narita airport
Japan Socialist Party (JSP)
Japanese Communist Party
Jara, Víctor (1932–1973)
Jaurès, Jean (1859–1914)
Jewish Bund
Jewish resistance to Nazism
Jews and revolution in Europe, 1789–1919
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali (1876–1948)
Joshi, P. C. (1907–1980)
Juan Santos Atahualpa Rebellion
Juárez, Benito (1806–1872)
Julião, Francisco (1915–1999)
Jumandi (d. 1578)
Jung Hwa-am (1896–1981)
Kabyl resistance to government
Kashmir, popular struggles to 1947
Kashmir, under India
Katarismo and indigenous popular mobilization, Bolivia, 1970s–present
Kaunda, Kenneth (b. 1924)
Kautsky, Karl (1854–1938)
Kelly, Edward “Ned” (1855–1880) and the Kelly Gang
Kelly, Petra (1947–1992)
Kent State student uprising
Kenya, national protests for independence
Kenyatta, Jomo (1893–1978)
Khama, Seretse (1921–1980) and Botswana nationalism
Khmelnytsky Uprising
Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot
Khomeini, Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhollah Mussaui (1902–1989) and the Shi'ite Islamic Revolution
Khuda-i Khidmatgar: Pashtun non-violent resistance force (1929–1948)
Kim Joa-jin (1889–1930)
King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929–1968) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Knights of Labor and Terence Powderly (1849–1924)
Kollontai, Alexandra (1872–1952)
Korea, civic movement
Korea, labor movement, 20th century
Korea, migrant workers’ struggle
Korea, movement of the urban poor
Korea, peasant and farmers’ movement
Korea, popular rebellions and uprisings, 1492–1910
Korea, post-World War II popular movements for democracy
Korea, protest against neoliberal globalization
Kosovo, civil and armed resistance, 1990s
Kronstadt Mutiny of 1921
Kropotkin, Peter (1842–1921)
Kuliscioff, Anna (1853/1857?–1925)
Kurdistan nationalist movement and the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party)
Kuroń, Jacek (1934–2004)
Kwangju student uprising
La Boétie, Etienne de (1530–1563)
La Ceiba Uprising of 1924
La Matanza 1932 Peasant Revolt
Labor revolutionary currents, United States, 1775–1900
Labor revolutionary currents, United States, 20th century
Labor’s Volunteer Army
Labour Party, Britain
Lafayette, Marquis de (1757–1834)
Lalor, Peter (1827–1889)
Lamartine, Alphonse de (1790–1869)
Lame, Manuel Quintín (1880–1967), Indian/peasant organization, and the struggle for land in Colombia, 1920s–1930s
Landau, Kurt (1903–1937)
Landauer, Gustav (1870–1919)
Lanka Sama Samaja Party (LSSP) and Sri Lankan radicalism
Laos, protest and revolution, 19th and 20th centuries
Latin America, Catholic Church and liberation, 16th century to present
Latin American punk rock and protest
Lautaro (d. 1557)
Le Duan (1908–1986)
League of Revolutionary Black Workers
Lebanese insurrection of 1958
Lebanon, civil war, 1975–1990
Lebanon, 19th-century revolts
Leeward Islands, labor protests
Lemba, Sebastian (d. 1547)
Lempira (d. 1537)
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870–1924)
Leninist philosophy
Lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual movements
Lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual movements, Australia
Lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual movements, Canada
Lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual movements, Germany
Lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual movements, United States
Lesotho, popular protest and resistance
Li Lisan (1899–1967)
Liberia, protest and revolution in the modern era
Liebknecht, Karl (1871–1919)
Ligas Camponesas
Lilburne, John (1615–1657)
Lin Biao (1907–1971)
Lincoln, Abraham (1809–1865) and African Americans
Liu Shaoqi (1898–1969)
Locke, John (1632–1704)
London Corresponding Society
London, Jack (1876–1916)
Lorenzo Zelaya Popular Revolutionary Forces
Lovett, William (1800–1877)
Lowell Female Labor Reform Association
Lu Xun (1881–1936)
Luddism and machine breaking
Luddite riots in Nottingham
Lugo, Fernando (b. 1951)
Lukács, Georg (1885–1971)
Lumumba, Patrice (1925–1961)
Luther, Martin (1483–1546)
Luxembourg, protest and revolution
Luxemburg, Rosa (1870–1919)
M-19 of Colombia
Machado, popular Cuban anti-government struggle, 1930s
Machel, Samora (1933–1986)
Mackandal, François (d. 1758)
MacKay, John Henry (1864–1933)
Madagascar, protests and revolts, 19th and 20th centuries
Madera Uprising, Chihuahua, 1965
Madero, Francisco (1873–1913)
Madres de la Plaza de Mayo
Mafia, organized crime, and social protest
Magón, Ricardo Flores (1874–1922) and the Magonistas
Mahdist Revolt
Maitan, Livio (1923–2004)
Makhno, Nestor (1889–1935)
Malatesta, Errico (1853–1932)
Malato, Charles (1857–1938)
Malawi national liberation
Malaysia, protest and revolt
Malcolm X (1925–1965)
Mali, protests and uprisings, 1850s–2005
Malta, protest and revolution
Mandel, Ernest (1923–1995)
Mandela, Nelson (b. 1918)
Manifesto, Il
Manley, Michael (1924–1997)
Mao Zedong (1893–1976)
Maori indigenous resistance
Mapuche Indian resistance
Marat, Jean-Paul (1743–1793)
Marcos, Subcomandante (b. ?)
Marcuse, Herbert (1898–1979)
Marianne, French revolutionary icon
Mariátegui, José Carlos (1894–1930)
Marighella, Carlos (1911–1969) and the Brazilian urban guerilla movement
Maripe, Knight (1927–2006)
Marks, J. B. (1903–1972)
Mármol, Miguel (1905–1993)
Martí, Farabundo (1893–1932)
Martí, José (1853–1895) and the Partido Revolucionario Cubano
Martov, Julius (1873–1923)
Marx, Eleanor (1855–1898)
Marx, Karl (1818–1883)
Masaryk, Tomas (1850–1937)
Masses, The
Mau Mau Rebellion, 1952–1959
Maurín, Joaquín (1896–1973)
May Day
May 1968 French uprisings
Mayekiso, Moses (b. 1948)
Mazumdar, Charu (1918–1972)
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805–1872)
Mboya, Tom (1930–1969) and the Kenya labor movement
Meilidao protests, 1979
Mein Kampf
Menchú, Rigoberta (b. 1959)
Mendes, Chico (1944–1988) and Amazonian rainforest protest and resistance
Meredith, James (b. 1933)
Mexican Revolution of 1910–1921
Mexico, armed political movements, 1960s–present
Mexico, indigenous and peasant struggles, 1980s–present
Mexico, labor movement and protests, 1980–2005
Mexico, railway workers' struggle, 1957–1960
Mexico, worker struggles and labor unions, 1950s–1970s
Michel, Louise (1830–1905)
Michnik, Adam (b. 1946)
Micronesia, nationalist and labor protests
Migration struggles and the global justice movement
Milosz, Czeslaw (1911–2004)
Ming Rebellions, 1600s
Mirabeau, Comte de (1749–1791)
Mondlane, Eduardo Chivambo (1920–1969)
Mondragón Collective
Montesquieu, Baron de (1689–1755)
Montessori, Maria (1870–1952)
Moplah Revolts
Moraes, Irineu Luís de (1912–1994)
Morais, Clodomir de (b. 1928)
Morales, Evo (b. 1959)
Morant Bay Rebellion: overview and assessment
Moravian Brothers
Moro national liberation
Morocco, protests, 1600s–1990s
Morones, Luis Napoleon (1890–1946)
Morris, William (1834–1896)
Moscow fire and protest, 1547
Mossadegh, Mohammad (1881–1967)
Mother Jones (1837–1930)
Motsoaledi, Elias (1924–1994)
Movement of Recuperated Factories, Argentina
Movimento Sem Terra (MST)
Mozambique, worker protests
Mpho, Motsamai (b. 1921)
MPLA (Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola)
MRTA (Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru)
Mugabe, Robert (b. 1924)
Muhammad ‘Ali (1769–1849)
Muir, Thomas (1765–1799)
Mujeres Libres
Munda, Birsa (ca. 1872–1900)
Mundey, Jack (b. 1929)
Müntzer, Thomas (ca. 1489–1525)
Muralista movement
Music and protest, Latin America
Music, songs, and protest, France
Mussolini, Benito (1883–1945)
Mzingeli, Charles (1905–1980)
Nagy, Imre (1896–1957)
Naidu, Sarojini (1879–1949)
Namibia, struggle for independence
NAP (Nuclei Armati Proletari)
Napper Tandy, James (1737?-1803)
Narayan, Jayaprakash (1902–1979)
Nasir, Hassan (1928–1960)
Nasrallah, Sayed Hassan (b. 1960)
Nasser, Gamal Abdel (1918–1970)
Nat Turner Rebellion
National Guard, Montmartre, 1871
National Organization for Women (NOW)
Native American protest, 20th century
Naxalite movement, 1967–1972
Nechaev, Sergei (1847–1882)
Negri, Antonio (b. 1933)
Négritude movement
Nehru, Jawaharlal (1889–1964)
Neoliberalism and protest
Nepal, Maoists’ rise
Nepal, people’s war and Maoists
Nepal, protest movements, 19th and 20th centuries
Neruda, Pablo (1904–1973)
Netherlands, protests, 1650–1800
Netherlands, protests, 1800–2000
Neto, Agostinho (1922–1979)
New Australia movement
New Caledonia, protest and revolt
New Harmony
New Jewel movement
Newport rising, Wales, 1839
Ngo Dinh Nhu (1910–1963)
Nicaraguan Revolution, 1970s–1980s
Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844–1900)
Niger Delta, protest movements
Nigeria, 1993 political and electoral protest and conflict
Nigeria, protest and revolution, 20th century
Nigeria, separatist agitation, contemporary
Nin, Andreu (1892–1937)
Nkrumah, Kwame (1909–1972)
Non-interventionists, 1914–1945
Non-violent movements: foundations and early expressions
Non-violent movements: struggles for rights, justice, and identities
Non-violent revolutions
Nordic revolts and popular protests, 1500–present
Northern Ireland peace movement
Norway, protest and revolution
Notting Hill Riots, 1958
Nu, U (1907–1995)
Nuclear-Free New Zealand, 1987
Nujoma, Sam (b. 1929)
Nyerere, Julius (1922–1999)
Oaxaca uprising, 2006
Obrador, Andrés Manuel López (b. 1953) and the PRD
Obregón, Alvaro (1880–1928) and the Sonoran generation
O’Brien, Bronterre (1805–1864)
O’Connell, Daniel (1775–1847)
O’Connor, Arthur (1763–1852)
O’Connor, Feargus (1796–1855)
Ogé’s Revolt, 1790
O’Higgins, Bernardo Riquelme (1778–1842)
Oka crisis
Oke-Ogun Uprising
Oneida Perfectionist Utopians
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)
On-to-Ottawa Trek
Ortega, Daniel (b. 1945)
Ortiz, Fernando (1881–1969)
Ōsugi Sakae (1885–1923)
Owen, Robert (1771–1858)
Padilla, Juan de (ca. 1490–1521)
Paine, Thomas (1737–1809)
Paisley, Ian (b. 1926) and Unionism, Northern Ireland
Pakistan, Bengali nationalist struggles
Pakistan, protest and rebellion
Palmares slave revolts, 1602–1603
Palmer raids
Pamphleteering and political protest, Dutch Republic, 1672
Panama, Cemaco's anti-colonial resistance, 1510–1512
Panama, nationalism and popular mobilization, 1947–2000
Pankhurst, Emmeline (1858–1928), Christabel (1880–1958), and Sylvia (1882–1960)
Paraguay, Archive of Terror
Paraguay, popular resistance to the rise of the military (1936–1954)
Paraguay, protest in the post-Stroessner era
Paraguay, protest and revolt, 1954–1989
Paraguay, protests in the liberal era and the Triple Alliance
Paris Commune, 1871
Parks, Rosa (1913–2005) and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Parnell, Charles Stewart (1846–1891)
Parrot, Jean-Claude (b. 1936)
Participatory democracy, history of
Partito di Unità Proletaria-Democrazia Proletaria
Paterson Silk Strike of 1913
Paul, Alice (1885–1977)
Paulus, Petrus Jacobus “Arrie” (b. 1930)
Pearse, Patrick (Pádraig) (1879–1916)
Pelloutier, Fernand (1867–1901) and the Bourses du Travail
Peltier, Leonard (b. 1944)
Peng Dehuai (1898–1974)
People’s Liberation Front of Sri Lanka (JVP)
Peoples’ Global Action Network
Peronist resistance
Peru, armed insurgency and the Dirty War, 1980–1990
Peru, labor and peasant mobilizations, 1900–1950
Peru, neoliberalism and social mobilization, 1990s–2000s
Peru, "people’s war," counterinsurgency, and the popular movement
Peterloo Massacre, 1819
Pham Van Dong (1906–2000)
Phan Boi Chau (1867–1940)
Philippines, colonial protests during the Spanish era
Philippines, protest during the US era
Philippines, protests, 1950s–1970s
Philippines, protests, 1980s–present
Piłsudski, Józef (1867–1935)
Pinto, Pio Gama (1927–1965)
Pisacane, Carlo (1818–1857)
Place, Francis (1771–1854)
Plekhanov, Georgi (1856–1918)
Poland, Committee for Workers (KOR)
Poland, 1956 Uprising
Poland, revolutions, 1846–1863
Poland, student movement, 1968
Poland, trade unions and protest, 1988–1993
Polish Revolution (Sejm), 1788–1792
Polish Revolution of 1830
Polish Revolution, 1905–1907
Poor Law, Britain, 1834
Popelin, Marie (1846–1913) and the Belgian League for Women’s Rights
Portugal, Carnation Revolution, 1974
Portugal, protest and revolution, 20th century
Postcolonial feminism and protest in the global South
Poulantzas, Nicos (1936–1979)
POUM (Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification)
Prabhakaran, Velupillai (b. 1954)
Prague Spring
Prasertkul, Seksan (b. 1949)
Prestes, Luís Carlos (1898–1990) and Prestes, Olga Benário (1908–1942)
Prima Linea
Primera, Alí (1942–1985)
Prince Edward Island protests, 1830s
Printing press and protest
Proal, Herón (1881–?) and Red Revolutionary Tenants
Protest and revolution, stages in
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph (1809–1865)
Puerto Rican independence movement, 1898–present
Pugachev’s Rebellion, 1773–1775
Puig Antich, Salvador (1948–1974)
Punk movement
Qadaffi, Muammar al- (b. 1942)
Qin Bangxian (1907–1946)
Qiu Jin (1875–1907)
Qu Qiubai (1899–1935)
Québécois nationalism and Lévesque, René (1922–1987)
Queen Nanny and Maroon resistance
Quintín Lame, 1980s
Quit India movement
Rabuka, Sitiveni Ligamamada (b. 1948)
Radical Reconstruction, United States, promise and failure of
Raditsela, Andries (1956–1985)
Rampa rebellions in Andhra Pradesh
Randolph, A. Philip (1889–1979)
Raspail, François-Vincent (1794–1878)
Razin’s Rebellion, 1670–1671
Reclaim the Streets
Reclus, Elisée (1830–1905)
Red Brigades
Red Scotland and the Scottish radical left, 1880–1932
Red Summer, United States, 1919
Reed, John (1887–1920)
Reform Acts, Britain and Ireland, 1832
Reform Bills, Britain, 1867 and 1884
Regina Riot
Reichstag Fire of 1933
Revolution, dialectics of
Revolutionary Action Movement
Riel, Louis (1844–1885)
Right-to-work protests, France, 1848
Ríos, Filiberto Ojeda (1933–2005)
Riot Grrl
Rizal, José (1861–1896)
Robeson, Paul (1898–1976)
Robespierre, Maximilien de (1758–1794)
Rochambeau, Comte de (1725–1807)
Rodney, Walter (1942–1980)
Rodríguez, Silvio (b. 1946)
Rodríguez, Simón (1769–1854)
Romania, mineworker protests, 20th century
Romania, protest and revolution, 20th century
Romania, protests and revolts, 18th and 19th centuries
Romania, student and worker protests, 1956
Romero, Óscar (1917–1980), Archbishop
Roshaniya movement and the Khan Rebellion
Rossanda, Rossana (b.1924)
Rosselli, Carlo (1899–1937)
Roumain, Jacques (1907–1944)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–1778)
Roy, Manabendra Nath (1887–1954)
Rumiñahui (d. 1535)
Russell, Bertrand (1872–1970)
Russia, cholera riots of 1830–1831
Russia, Revolution of 1905–1907
Russia, Revolution of February/March 1917
Russia, Revolution of October/November 1917
Russia, Revolutions: sources and contexts
Russia, temperance movement, 1858–1860
Russian Civil War, 1918–1924
Russian revolutionary labor upsurge, 1912–1914
Sacco and Vanzetti case
Sachs, Solly (1900–1976)
Sáenz, Manuela (1795–1856)
St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
Saint-Just, Louis Antoine (1767–1794)
Saint-Simon, Comte de (1760–1825)
Salam ‘Adel (1924–1963) and the Communist Party, Iraq
Salvadoran Civil War, 1980–1991
Salvemini, Gaetano (1873–1957)
Samkange, Stanlake John William Thompson (1922–1988)
Sánchez Saornil, Lucía (1895–1970)
Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN)
Sandino, Augusto César (1895–1934)
Sands, Bobby (1954–1981)
Sanger, Margaret (1879–1966) and the American birth control movement
Santal Rebellion
São Tomé e Princípe, labor/nationalists
Saro-Wiwa, Ken (1941–1995)
Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905–1980)
Saskatchewan socialist movement
Saud, Abd al-Aziz ibn (1879–1953) and the founding of modern Saudi Arabia
Saw, U (1900–1948)
Saya San (Hsaya San) movement of the 1930s
Schill, Ferdinand Baptista von (1776–1809)
Schindler, Oskar (1908–1974)
Schleswig-Holstein uprisings
Science and revolution
Scottish Reformation
Scottsboro Resistance
Sembène, Ousmane (1923–2007)
Sendic, Raúl (1926–1989)
Seneca Falls convention
Senegal, anti-neoliberal protests
Senghor, Léopold (1906–2001)
Sepé Tiarajú (1722/3–1756)
Serbia, anti-bureaucratic revolution, 1987–1989
Serbian Revolution of October 2000
Serge, Victor (1890–1947)
Serrati, Giacinto Menotti (1872–1926)
Settimana Rossa
Sexuality and revolution
Shakers Utopian Community
Sharp, Gene (b. 1928)
Sharp, Granville (1735–1813)
Shays’ Rebellion
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751–1816)
Shipboard insurrections in the Atlantic slave trade
Shiva, Vandana (b. 1952)
Shlyapnikov, Alexander Gavrilovich (1885–1937)
Sierra Leone, protest and revolution
Sieyès, Abbé (1748–1836)
Sigamoney, Bernard L. E. (1888–1963)
Sihanouk, Norodom (b. 1922)
Silesian Uprisings
Silva, Luiz Inácio Lula da (b. 1945)
Silva, Lyndolpho (b. 1924)
Simons, Ray Alexander (1913–2004)
Sinclair, Upton (1878–1968)
Singh, Bhagat (1907–1931)
Singh, Makhan (1913–1973)
Sinn Féin
Slave rescues and the Underground Railroad, United States
Slovakia, 1944 Uprising
Slovakia, dissidence in the 1970s
Slovakia, Štúr generation
Slovenian National Liberation Front (Osvobodilna Fronta), 1941–1944
Slovo, Joe (1926–1995)
Smith, Adam (1723–1790)
Social Democratic Party, Germany
Socialism, Britain
Socialisme ou Barbarie
Socialist Party, United States
Socialist Workers’ Party of Germany (Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands)
Society for Cheap Lodgings
Soe, Thakin (1906–1989)
Sofia demonstrations, 1989
Sojourner Truth Organization
Solidarity Federation
Solidarność (Solidarity)
Solomon Islands, protest and uprisings
Souchy, Augustin (1892–1984)
Souphanouvong, Prince (1909–1995)
South Africa, African nationalism and the ANC
South Africa, labor movement
South Africa, water struggles
South African Communist Party, 1953–present
Southern Africa, popular resistance to neoliberalism, 1982–2007
Soviet Union, fall of
Spanish Revolution
Spartacus, historical and modern era
Spence, Thomas (1750–1814)
Spinoza, Baruch (1632–1677)
Spiridonova, Maria (1884–1941)
Spithead and Nore mutinies, Britain, 1797
Springbok rugby tour protests, 1981
Stalin, Joseph (1879–1953) and "Revolution from Above"
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (1815–1902)
Steinem, Gloria (b. 1934)
Student movement, Greece, 1990–1991
Student movements
Student movements, Czechoslovakia, 1960s
Student movements, Czechoslovakia, 1980s
Student movements, Europe
Student movements, global South
Student movements, Korea
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Sturm und Drang
Sudan, Aba Island Rebellion, 1970
Sudanese protest under Anglo-Egyptian rule
Sudanese protest in the Turko-Egyptian era
Sudanese Women’s League
Sukarno (1901–1970)
Sun Yat-Sen (1866–1925)
SWAPO (South West African People’s Organization)
Swaziland, nationalist and economic protests
Swedish Revolution of 1809
Swift, Jonathan (1667–1745)
Swing Riots
Swiss Peasants’ War of 1653
Sylvis, William H. (1829–1869) and the National Labor Union
Syndicalism, France
Syndicalism, Greece
Syria and Iraq, Baathists
Szabó, Ervin (1877–1918)
Tagore, Saumyendranath (1901–1974)
Taiping Rebellion, 1851–1864
Taiwan, anti-imperialism and nationalism
Taiwan, land reform
Taiwan, 2-28 protests, 1947
Tajikistan, protests and revolts
Taliban, 1996–2007
Tambo, Oliver (1917–1993)
Tamil nationalist struggle for Eelam
Tanzania, protest and independence
Tecún Umán (d. 1524)
Tennis Court Oath, France, 1789
Thai Communist Party
Thailand, Patani Malay nationalism
Thailand, popular movements, 1980s– present
Than Tun, Thakin (1911–1968)
Thelwall, John (1764–1834)
Thistlewood, Arthur (1774–1820) and the Cato Street Conspiracy
Thompson, Edward Palmer (E. P.) (1924–1993)
Tiananmen Square protests, 1989
Tianjin Massacre, 1870
Tibet Uprising and resistance
Tiso, Josef (1887–1947)
Tisquesuza (d. 1537)
Tito, Josip Broz (1892–1980)
Tlatelolco 1968 and the Mexican student movement
Togliatti, Palmiro (1893–1964)
Toivo ya Toivo, Andimba (b. 1924)
Tolpuddle Martyrs, Britain, 1834
Tolstoy, Leo N. (1828–1910)
Tone, Theobald Wolfe (1763–1798)
Torres Restrepo, Camilo (1929–1966)
Torrijos, General Omar (1929–1981)
Tory rebellion, Ireland
Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution, 1796–1799
Treatment Action Campaign (TAC)
Triangle Shirtwaist fire protests
Trinidad, anti-colonial movement
Trinidad, labor protests
Trinidad, parliamentary crisis
Trotsky, Leon (1879–1940)
Truth, Sojourner (ca. 1797–1883)
Tubman, Harriet (ca. 1819–1913)
Tulip Revolution, Kyrgyzstan
Tunisia, protests under Ottoman (Bey) rule to 1881
Tunisian independence movement
Túpac Amaru (ca. 1540–1572)
Túpac Amaru Rebellion II and the Last Inca Revolt, 1780–1783
Túpac Katari (ca. 1750–1781)
Turati, Filippo (1857–1932)
Turkey, anti-secular protest, 1980–present
Turkey, protest and revolution, 1800s–1923
Turkey, working-class protest, 1960–1980
Turkish rebellions, 1918–1925
Turkish Republic protests, 1923–1946
Turkmenistan, protest and revolt
Uganda, protests against British colonialism and occupation
Uhuru movement
Ujamaa villages
Ukraine Orange Revolution, 2004–2005
UNAM strike, 2000, and Mexican student movement
Unemployed protests
União dos Lavradores e Trabalhadores Agrícolas do Brasil (ULTAB-Brazil)
Unión Patriótica
Union for Women’s Equality
United Englishmen/United Britons
United Irishmen
United Scotsmen
Urabi movement
Urban rebellions, United States
Urracá, Cacique of Veraguas (d. 1516)
Uruguay, labor and populist movements, 1965–present
Uruguay, left-wing politics from the Tupamaros to the Frente Amplio
US labor rebellions and the rise of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
Utopian communities, United States
Utopian intentional communities
Uzbekistan, national movement and protests
Vaneigem, Raoul (b. 1934)
Vanguard party
Vanuatu, land reform protests
Vázquez, Genaro (1931–1972)
Vegetarian protests and movements
Velasco Alvarado, Juan Francisco (1910–1977)
Velázquez, Francisco José (1884–1954)
Velvet Revolution, 1989
Venezuela, exclusionary democracy and resistance, 1958–1998
Venezuela, guerilla movements, 1960s–1980s
Venezuela, MAS and Causa Radical
Venezuela, MBR-200 and the military uprisings of 1992
Venezuela, military uprisings, 1960–1962
Venezuela, Negro Miguel Rebellion, 1552
Venezuela, solidarity economy, social property, co-management, and workers' control
Venezuelan War of Independence
Vesey's Rebellion
Vía Campesina and peasant struggles
Vietnam, anti-colonial, nationalist, and communist movements, 1900–1939
Vietnam, First Indochina War, 1945–1954
Vietnam, protest against colonialism, 1858–1896
Vietnam, protest and Second Indochina War, 1960–1974
Vietnam, protests, 1975–1993
Villa, Pancho (ca. 1878–1923) and the division of the North
Vinegar Hill/Castle Hill Rebellion, 1804
Vo Nguyen Giap (b. 1911)
Voltaire (1694–1778)
Walentynowicz, Anna (b. 1929)
Wales, nationalist protest, 19th century
Walesa, Lech (b. 1943)
Walker, David (1785–1830)
Wang Ming (1904–1974)
War communism and the rise of the Soviet Union
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1943
Washington, George (1732–1799)
Wathbah of 1948
Webb, Sidney (1859–1947) and Beatrice (1858–1943)
Wei Jingsheng (b. 1950)
Wells, Ida B. (1862–1931) and the anti-lynching campaign
Wesley, John (1703–1791), Methodism, and social reform
West German "new left"
Whiskey Rebellion
White Rose (Weiße Rose)
Wijeweera, Rohana (1943–1989)
Wilberforce, William (1759–1833)
Wilkes, John (1725–1797) and the "Wilkes and Liberty" movement
Williams, Eric (1911–1981)
Williams, Raymond Henry (1921–1988)
Williams, Robert F. (1925–1996)
Winnipeg general strike of 1919
Winstanley, Gerrard (1609–1676)
Wirat Angkhathawon (1921–1997)
Witbooi, Hendrik (ca. 1825–1905)
Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759–1797)
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
Women in the 1848 Revolution, Poland
Women and national liberation in Africa
Women in the Russian Revolution
Women in the Solidarity movement, Polish underground
Women’s movement, Anglophone Caribbean
Women’s movement, Australia
Women’s movement, Britain
Women's movement, Cuba
Women’s movement, France
Women’s movement, French Windward Islands
Women’s movement, Germany
Women’s movement, Greece, formation of
Women’s movement, Haiti
Women’s movement, India
Women’s movement, Italy
Women’s movement, Japan
Women’s movement, Latin America
Women’s movement, Southern Africa
Women’s movement, Soviet Union
Women’s movement, Spain
Women’s movement, United States, 16th–18th centuries
Women’s movement, United States, 19th century
Women’s movement, United States, 20th century
Women’s movement, Venezuela
Women’s movements, Eastern Europe
Women’s War of 1929
Woodhull, Victoria (1838–1927)
Workers’ self-management, Yugoslavia
World Anti-Slavery Convention, London
World Social Forums
World Trade Organization (WTO) protests, Cancun, 2003
World Trade Organization (WTO) protests, Doha, 2001
World Trade Organization (WTO) protests, Hong Kong, 2005
World Trade Organization (WTO) protests, Quebec City, 2001
World Trade Organization (WTO) protests, Seattle, 1999
Wright, Frances "Fanny" (1795–1852)
Yaa Asantewaa (ca. 1840–1921)
Yemen Socialist Revolution of 1962
Yi Ho Tuan (Boxer) Rebellion
Yorkshire Rising, 1820
Yoruba Wars, 19th century
Young Communist International
Young Hegelians
Young Ireland
Young Turks
Yugoslavia, anti-fascist "People's Liberation War" and revolution, 1941–1945
Yugoslavia, anti-privatization struggles
Yugoslavia, formation of the non-aligned movement
Yugoslavia, Marxist humanism, Praxis group, and Korčula Summer School, 1964–1974
Yugoslavia, resistance to Cominform, 1948
Yugoslavia, student protests, 1966–1974
Zambian nationalism and protests
Zamora, Ezequiel (1817–1860)
Zanzibar Revolution
Zapata, Emiliano (1879–1919) and the Comuna Morelense
Zapatistas, EZLN, and the Chiapas uprising
Zasulich, Vera (1849–1919)
Zenroren Labor Federation
Zetkin, Clara (1857–1933)
Zhang Guotao (1897–1979)
Zhang Wentian (1900–1976)
Zhou Enlai (1898–1976)
Zhu De (1886–1976)
Zimbabwe, labor movement, 1890–1980
Zimbabwe, labor movement and politics, 1980–2007
Zimbabwe, national liberation movement
Zimbabwe People’s Army (ZIPA)
Žižek, Slavoj (b. 1949)
Zola, Emile (1840–1902)
Zumbi (ca. 1655–1695)
Zwane, Ambrose Phesheya (1922–1998)
Zwingli, Huldrych (1484–1531)
Anarchism, Austria
Anarchism, Belgium
Anarchism, Brazil
Anarchism, Cuba
Anarchism, Denmark
Anarchism, Germany
Anarchism, India
Anarchism, Israel and Palestine
Anarchism, the Netherlands
Anarchism, Norway
Anarchism, the Philippines
Anarchism, Sweden
Anarchism, Switzerland
Anti-nuclear movement, Norway
Aquino, Benigno, Jr. (1932–1983)
Asian American protest movements
Aung San Suu Kyi (b. 1945)
Australia, unemployed movement
Australian utopian communities
Awolowo, Obafemi (1909–1987)
Batthyány, Ervin (1877–1945)
Battle at Old Market Square, Winnipeg, 1934
Bayer, Osvaldo (b. 1927)
Bentham, Jeremy (1748–1832)
Bhutan, protest and revolt
Biko, Stephen Bantu (1946–1977)
Blum, Léon (1872–1950) and the Popular Front
Bonnot Gang
Bookchin, Murray (1921–2006)
Brigantaggio, 1860–1870
Bulgaria, social movements and institutional control, 1944–1989
Cafiero, Carlo (1846–1892)
Camejo, Josefa (1791–1862)
Chechnya, protest and rebellion
Chile, anti-neoliberal protests
Claramunt Creu, Teresa (1861–1931)
Colombia, insurrection of the Comuneros, 1781–1782
Combatants for Peace
Costa, Andrea (1851–1910)
De Leon, Daniel (1852–1914)
Dellinger, David (1915–2004)
Devlin McAliskey, Bernadette (b. 1947)
Dominican Republic, opposition to neoliberal reform, 1970s-2000s
Dos Passos, John (1896–1970)
Dos Santos Albasini, João (1876–1922)
Environmental protest, Europe
Farga Pellicer, Rafael (1844–1890)
Faure, Sébastien (1858–1942)
Films, protest, France
First Wave Feminism
Fisher, Percy (1891–1922)
Flushing Remonstrance
German Communist Party, workers and the founding of, 1918–1920
Giovannitti, Arturo (1884–1959)
González Prada, Manuel (1844–1918)
Gustavo, Soledad (1865–1939)
Haitian Revolution, legacy of
Harlem Brundland, Gro (b.1939)
Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins (1825–1911)
Heywood, Ezra (1829–1893)
Hong Xiuquan (1814–1864)
Indigenous radicalism
Ingrao, Pietro (b.1915)
Italy, antifascist ideology
Japan, student movements
Jefferson, Thomas (1743–1826) and his Revolutionary Idea
Kadalie, Clements (c.1896–1951)
Kenya, neoliberalism and women's protest
Klein, Naomi (b. 1970) and the movement against neoliberal globalization
Kotane, Moses (1905–1978)
Labuda, Barbara (b.1946)
Lazare, Bernard (1865–1903)
Lehr-und-Wehr Vereine
Lorenzo, Anselmo (1841–1914)
Lum, Dyer (1839–1893)
Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion
Malon, Benoît (1841–1893)
Mann, Tom (1856–1941)
Marley, Bob (1945–1981)
Marsden, Dora (1882–1960)
Masini, Pier Carlo (1923–1998)
Mathews, Tom (1866–1915)
Mayakovsky, Vladimir (1893–1930)
Mella, Ricardo (1861–1925)
Mera Sanz, Cipriano (1897–1975)
Montseny, Federica (1905–1994)
Most, Johann (1846–1906)
MOVE/MOVE bombing
Nenni, Pietro (1891–1980)
Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand Domela (1846–1919)
Ona, Francis (ca. 1953–2005)
Paris Commune and women
Peasant movements, 19th and 20th centuries
Perovskaya, Sofya (1853–1881) and the Narodnaja Volja ("the will of the people")
Pi y Margall, Francisco (1824–1901)
Pinelli, Giuseppe (1928–1969)
Plaatje, Solomon Tshekisho (1876–1932)
Pouget, Émile (1860–1931)
Propaganda by the deed
Provos Revolt
Rap and hip hop music as social protest
Read, Patrick Joseph (1899–1947)
Reitman, Benjamin (1879–1942)
Reprise Individuelle
Republic of New Afrika
Rhodakanaty, Plotino Constantino (1828–?)
Samkange, Sketchley Siyangapi (1936–1961)
Sankara, Thomas (1949–1987)
Secchia, Pietro (1903–1973)
Second Wave feminism
Serbia, Protests against Milošević, 1991–2000
Sha'rawi, Huda (1879–1947)
Sofri, Adriano (b.1942)
Sorel, Georges (1847–1922)
Souza, João Francisco de (1944–2008)
Spartacist Uprising
Spooner, Lysander (1808–1887)
Student movements, Chicano/a, 1960s-2000s
The Crisis
Third wave feminism
Tompkins Square Park and Lower East Side protest and unrest, 1820s-1980s
Tuareg Uprising, Niger
Vallès, Jules (1832–1885)
Varlin, Eugène (1839–1871)
Voline (1882–1945)
Walter, Nicolas (1934–2000)
Warren, Josiah (1798–1874)
Weather Underground
Weber, Max (1864–1920)
Women Strike for Peace
Women's movement, Canada
Women's movement, Nigeria
Women's movement, Peru
Wright, Richard (1908–1960)
Xuma, Alfred Bitini (1893–1962)
Young Lords

Exemplos de Textos que se podem encontrar na Enciclopédia

Equiano, Olaudah (1745–1797) PDF [2MB]Srividhya Swaminathan
German Peasant Rebellion, 1525 PDF [553KB]Simone Cezanne De Santiago Ramos
Haiti, democratic uprising, 1980s–1991 PDF [455KB]Alexander King
American Revolution PDF [496KB]Mark Lause
Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand (1869–1948) PDF [937KB]Kunal Chattopadhyay
International Women's Day PDF [441KB]Marilyn J. Boxer
Iranian Revolution, 1979 PDF [462KB]Nandini Bhattacharya
Mandela, Nelson (b. 1918) PDF [782KB]Luli Callinicos
Moro national liberation PDF [81KB]Herbert Docena
Shays' Rebellion PDF [434KB]Nathan King
Taiping Rebellion, 1851-1864 PDF [73KB]Amit Bhattacharyya
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